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Stronger Together, NAPD Needs You

  Wow, in the five years since NAPD was created, we have grown into a public defense organization of over 18,000 members.  NAPD belongs to all of us, and we encourage you to be more involved. Whether you are a […]

Why You Should Throw Small Wrenches

It’s around 2:30 on a Friday afternoon before a long weekend. Many New Yorkers are checking Google Maps and mentally calculating how much work they can get done and still avoid traffic jams to get out of town for the […]

America’s Feast

A happy life creates a grateful life, but the converse is just as true: a grateful life creates a happy life. I’m a public defender, and this presents a challenge to feeling grateful. I trust that many, many families enjoyed […]

Appearance Required

Appearing in court. None of our clients like it. But they have to come to court – a lot. Initial appearances. Arraignments. Omnibus hearings. Pre-trial scheduling conferences. Status hearings. Jury instruction conferences. Trial. Change of plea. Sentencing. Show up or […]

Amidst the disillusion, a time for leaders who see beyond the horizon

Leadership is hard work, very hard work. Often, leaders have high internal conflict.   A defender colleague recently told me he was tired. I asked, from what, too much work? Personal matters? Work stress? No, he said, I am depressed […]

We came to celebrate, but first we focused on racial justice

We came to celebrate, but first we focused on racial justice   Introduction.  NAPD was born in at the University of Dayton Law School 5 years ago.  So when we gathered in Baltimore on October 20 to celebrate our beginning, […]

NAPD Awards 1st Annual Thurgood Marshall Award

About 10 years or so ago I met Dawn Deaner. She had just assumed her role as the Chief Public Defender in Nashville, Tennessee. For those of you who don't know, the Nashville Public Defender Office is almost 60 years […]

NAPD: A Reflection on 5 Years

When I became a public defender 24 years ago, I reveled in the role of standing between my client the and the government and telling the government to piss off.  I still do.  I also have many of the traits […]

NAPD Defender of Justice Award

On Saturday, October 20, 2018 public defense professionals from across the nation gathered in Baltimore to celebrate the fifth anniversary of NAPD.  As part of the celebration, NAPD gave its first “Defender of Justice Award” to the Neighborhood Defender Service […]

Oh, It’s Just A Misdemeanor

I have been in many courtrooms over the years and heard the phrase, “Uh, it’s just a misdemeanor….”  I must confess that thought has crossed my mind on more than one occasion.  However, all of us should rethink that notion […]