    Wow, in the five years since NAPD was created, we have grown into a public defense organization of over 18,000 members.  NAPD belongs to all of us, and we encourage you to be more involved. Whether you are a leader or a line defender, a lawyer, an investigator or support staff, bring your passion!

    If you have a subject you want to write about, please submit a blog to be published. Or, if you want to be subscribed on one of our listservs (leadership, core, investigator or socialworker), be in touch! Contact Heather Hall, heather@publicdefenders.us, for both blog publication and listserv participation.

    If you have an expertise to share, consider presenting a webinar for everyone.   Contact Jeff Sherr, jeff.sherr@publicdefenders.us for details on the process.

    If there is a committee you are interested in serving on, contact Ernie Lewis, ernie.lewis@gmail.com  and he will point you in the direction connected with your interest.  We have committees working on the following issues: Amicus, Education, Fines & Fees, Juvenile advocacy, Racial Justice, Systems Builders and Workloads.

    If you have something to add to NAPD’s  public defense library MyGideon (or something that you wish was there), contact Jonathan Friley, jonathan.NAPD@gmail.com.

    If you have any troubles logging into the NAPD site, contact Nicole Lesniewski at nrlesniewski@gmail.com.

    With a very small staff, it takes many volunteer hands to make NAPD the organization we all want it to be for our clients and ourselves.  NAPD is member driven and member led. Become Involved.  Stronger Together.