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Best Practice Recommendations and Considerations for Return to Fieldwork in the Post-COVID-19 Era
The taskforce endeavored to identify ways to mitigate the risk of contracting and transmittingCOVID-19 in all aspects of conducting fieldwork.
Letter to US House Judiciary Committee on Public Defenders’ Response to Coronavirus
Responding to the public health emergency and ensuring the safety of the American people is rightly the primary focus of the federal government at this moment. We write to highlight the urgent need to protect the population that is among […]
Open Letter: Public Defenders are Justice System First Responders
Tens of thousands of public defenders and other public defense professionals daily deliver the promise of rights enumerated in the Constitution, a function that has grown all the more critical in these dark times. As courts have closed their doors, […]
Statement on Virtual Court Technology
New technology should be used only when it either enhances access to justice or avoids a shutdown of access that clearly would be worse than the temporary limitations posed by the technology, or where a client exercises their right to […]