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Statement on Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Tamir Rice

“The deaths of two black men and a black child in Ferguson, New York City and Cleveland – and the lack of accountability for the white officers who killed them – have stirred our national conscience. We must now turn […]

Letter to New York Governor on Hurrell-Harring Lawsuit

As Governor, we ask that you lead your state and the nation in correcting this failure. It is for the good of all citizens of your state and will provide a clear message to the nation that New York is […]

Letter to U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics on Data Accuracy

“NAPD members were gratified to note the attention that your agency hasrecently shown to the levels of resources available to defenders across the nation (your reports numbered NCJ 246683 and NCJ 246684). Our members report to us frequently their dire […]

Letter to Carson City, Nevada, Manager

Flat fee contracts that fail to account for workload, provide access to the resources that are required to deliver effective legal representation […] or set performance standards set the the stage for the tragic miscarriage of justice for clients, either […]

Letter to Fresno County, California, Board of Supervisors

It is our strong belief that under the current situation, clients whose constitutional right to counsel is being provided by the dedicated men and women who work in the Fresno County Public Defender’s Office are having that right compromised as […]