This listing has expired.
  • A Trial Attorney must be committed to serving a culturally diverse, low-income population and must be eligible to practice law in Massachusetts, either as a member of the Massachusetts bar in good standing, or as the member of the bar of another jurisdiction eligible to engage in limited Massachusetts practice under Supreme Judicial Court Rule 3:04;
  • Access to an automobile in order to travel to courts, clients, and investigation locations that are not easily accessible by public transportation; and,
  • Access to a personal computer with home internet access sufficient to work remotely.
QUALIFICATIONS/SKILLS Candidates should possess the following attributes for the position of Trial Attorney:
  • A demonstrated commitment to the principle of zealous advocacy in the representation of indigent persons in criminal cases;
  • A demonstrated commitment to our organizational values;
  • Significant superior court experience or equivalent jury trial experience for a minimum of three (3) years;
  • A commitment to continuing legal and organizational training;
  • Strong interpersonal and analytical skills;
  • Ability to work within a criminal defense oriented community and capacity, both independently and collaboratively; and,
  • Foreign language skills to support interaction with predominant limited English proficient groups in the region are desirable.
To apply:  please supply a resume and a personal mission statement of no more than two pages detailing your interest in the position, your personal qualities, background, and skills, and what you hope to achieve in this work.