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The volume, velocity, and variety of digital evidence is growing at an exponential rate. As a public defender, digital evidence is essential to the work you do every day, but it’s becoming increasingly difficult to manage. In this webinar we’ll explain how Digital Evidence Management solutions, powered by AI, are helping to streamline evidence analysis and trial preparation, and reduce backlogs and delays.

Thursday, August 1 at 3 pm Eastern/Noon Pacific

Register to attend to learn what AI is and how it works, about future applications of AI in criminal defense, and how you can leverage AI-powered Digital Evidence Management today to:

  • Cut case preparation time, costs, and reduce case backlog
  • Make previously unsearchable evidence types searchable, using Object Character Recognition (OCR)
  • Uncover hidden connections to ensure you’re not missing any evidence
  • Automate transcription of audio and video, and quickly redact it, using automated face detection
  • Bridge the understaffing gap

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  • John Rennie, General Manager, NICE Public Safety & Justice
  • Shelly Williams, Director of Product Management, NICE Public Safety & Justice
  • Ryan Lommel, Solutions Executive, NICE Public Safety & Justice