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$370.00 – $450.00

Online Course History Matters: Exploring the Power of History and Unleashing the Potential of Your Defense Strategy

February 12 – April 15  (no class on Feb 19th)  

PRICE $370 for members  $450 for non members 
REGISTRATION DEADLINE – February 1, 2024 AT 5:00 PM EASTERN | 4:00PM CT | 3:00PM MT | 2:00 PM PT

Need help with this registration process?  Watch this video.  


This course includes Weekly Small Group Meetings: Mondays at 4:00-5:30pm ET | 3:00-4:30 pm CT | 2:00-3:30 pm MT | 1:00-2:30 pm PT

Course Description: This course is a must-take for attorneys, investigators, mitigation specialists, social workers, and all defense team members who want to conduct thorough investigations to answer questions essential to defending individuals impacted by the criminal legal system. Where we come from matters. We know that history is directly linked to many of the issues that directly impact the trajectory of our client’s lives. But how often do we collect information that allows us to tell a story of historical impact, prejudice, oppression, community, and trauma and how it affects our clients? This course will give participants the tools to conduct such an investigation. This course will include lectures from nationally recognized experts. In small group sessions, faculty and coaches will assist participants with an active case to complete a multi-level historical investigation that would be helpful at any dispositional phase of your case.

Course Objectives:  By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Utilize strategies and tools to investigate and humanize clients’ lives.
  • Elevate litigation and mitigation tactics to protect and affirm clients’ due process rights.
  • Review studies, research, reports, etc., documenting the impact of violence, injustice, and poverty on clients’ well-being and long-standing effects.
  • Participate in and model normalizing forthright dialogues about the relevance of history and its social context to clients’ lived experiences via discussion boards and group discussions.
  • Increase awareness, appreciation, and utilization of the impact of historical trauma, prejudice, oppression, culture, and community trauma.
  • Support each other in a small group space for debriefing, brainstorming, incubating ideas, and providing accountability for goals.

Weekly Small Group Meetings: Mondays at 4:00-5:30 pm ET | 3:00-4:30 pm CT | 2:00-3:30 pm MT | 1:00-2:30 pm PT

Course Faculty: Dr. Sharon Jones-Eversley and Dr. Donavan Bailey, with additional guest faculty

Sharon Jones-Eversley, DrPH, is a Professor Emeritus and Social Epidemiologist from Towson University. Her interdisciplinary research expertise includes social epidemiology,  legal epidemiology, family science, community science, social justice, equity, health disparities, intergenerational: disease distribution, morbidity, mortality, death exposure, and premature death. The precedence of her scholarship highlights the lived experiences and exposures to persistent deprivation, injustice, illness, violence, and preventable deaths among Black families and communities. Dr. Jones-Eversley earned a Doctorate in Public Health from Morgan State University School of Community Health and Policy. She earned her Master of Arts in Legal and Ethical Studies from the University of Baltimore. She is also a member of several professional organizations: the International Collaboration for Participatory Health Research, Advancing Culturally Responsive and Equitable (ACE) Evaluation Network, American Public Health Association, American Evaluation Association, Nonprofit Leadership Alliance, Maryland Genealogical Society, and the Towson University Retired Faculty Association. She is a nonprofit board member for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Metropolitan Baltimore-Cambridge and the Myrtle Tyler Faithful Fund.
Donavan Bailey is a Licensed Social Worker with the Colorado State Public Defender-Brighton Office. He has worked in various similar capacities with 17 years of experience working as a Capital Mitigation Specialist with the Maricopa County Office of the Legal Advocate, a Mitigation Specialist with the Maricopa County Public Defender Office, and a Dispositional Advisor with the Minnesota State Public Defender Office.  His Public Defender work has extended both inside and outside the office and courtroom, advocating within the community and conducting training on defense mitigation and cultural competency. Donavan is trained as a cultural competency facilitator through Dr. Dietra Hawkin’s training program. He is a licensed social worker in Minnesota and Colorado and holds a Master of Science in Educational Leadership and a Doctorate in Education from Winona State University.