• NAPD is part of the teams working on two major research projects from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS): the Census and Survey of Public Defender Offices. BJS has recently shared updates on each project.

    The Census is the first of its kind since 2007. It will ask public defender offices about topics like caseloads, salaries, demographics, attrition, appointment processes, and case management systems. BJS is now taking public comments on the proposed census design, due November 12 (private comments can be sent to NAPD). NAPD staff and members have provided extensive input on the survey design, including at an in-person meeting last year and during the cognitive testing phase over the past few months. 

    The Survey is the first BJS project to ask public defenders directly about their demographics, working conditions, caseloads, interactions with clients, and access to resources. BJS has just released a report on the survey pilot, which tested methods for surveying public defenders to ensure high response rates. NAPD staff advised on the pilot design and NAPD membership rosters helped fill in data gaps.

    BJS will conduct the Census in 2025 and then will use those results to administer the Survey. NAPD will continue to share updates as these projects progress.