• Welcome to NAPD's On Our Radar blog series, where we let you know about new projects, new publications, and other interesting tidbits that may be relevant to your interests and your work in public defense. At least once per month, we'll round up links to several things we think you'd like to know about! Check out what's new On Our Radar below:

    1) NEW RELEASE! – No More Police: A Case for Abolition – A “persuasive primer on abolition” through a Black Feminist lens by author/activist/attorneys Mariame Kaba and Andrea Ritchie was released on 9/1. You may know Mariame Kaba from her previous book, We Do This Til We Free Us, and Andrea Ritchie from her book, Invisible No More: Police Violence Against Black Women & Women of Color. Read more and find links to purchase at: https://thenewpress.com/books/no-more-police 

    2) PROJECT LAUNCH! – The Visiting Room – Videotaped stories in their own words from those serving life without the possibility of parole in Angola, The Louisiana State Penitentiary. Angola houses “more [lifers] per capita than any other state in the country, or any other place in the world.” Hear their stories and learn more about the history of LWOP sentences in Louisiana at: https://www.visitingroomproject.org/ 

    3) NEW EXHIBITION! – Escaping Time – A recurring exhibition of the artwork of incarcerated people from across the country dating back to 2014 opened to the public again on August 20th on Governor’s Island in NYC. The show will run through October 30th, and artwork is also available to view and purchase online at: https://www.escapingtime.org/ 

    4) PROJECT LAUNCH! – Let Me Tell You – A storytelling project from the Michigan Collaborative to End Mass Incarceration highlighting the lives of those serving long-term or lifetime sentences in Michigan’s prisons. Read their stories, view their art, and learn more at: https://www.letmetellyoumi.org/ 

    5) NEW RELEASE! – Corrections in Ink – In case you missed it! This memoir from childhood figure skater and Marshall Project investigative reporter Keri Blakinger on her experiences with addiction, incarceration, recovery and redemption was released in June 2022. Read more and find link to purchase at: https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250272850/correctionsinink 

    See something you think we should feature next time? Send us an email at engage@publicdefenders.us

    Note: The views and opinions expressed in the items listed do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of NAPD.