• Note: The views and opinions expressed in the items listed do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of NAPD.
    We are back with NAPD's On Our Radar blog series, where we let you know about new projects, new publications, and other interesting tidbits that may be relevant to your interests and your work in public defense. At least once per month, we'll round up links to several things we think you'd like to know about! Check out what's new On Our Radar below:

    1) OPINION PIECE! – We know that after a case resolves, there is still work to be done to advocate with and on behalf of system-impacted persons reentering society. This opinion piece by Suzette Hackney features the story and ongoing struggle of Dujuan “Zoe” Kennedy who mentors young men in Detroit and made such an impact, that he was invited to a Community Violence Summit at the White House…but his criminal history disallowed him from gaining entrance. In Dujuan’s words, he says "It's the fact that they feel like we're responsible enough to put our lives at risk to stop another person from committing an act of violence, but they won't even let us come stand on the grass is disappointing." Read more at: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/invited-to-the-white-house-then-shunned-no-matter-what-they-say-they-dont-see-us/ar-AA12hX1l

    2) DOCUMENTARY RELEASE! – Being Free, by Roadtrip Nation, is a documentary that chronicles the cross-country journey of three system-impacted persons as they talk with others who have left incarceration and developed successful and fulfilling lives and career paths. Watch at: https://roadtripnation.com/roadtrip/formerly-incarcerated-documentary

    3) VIDEO CLIP! – Technical violations of parole and probation are some of the most challenging and slippery offenses to defend because they often cite rule violations, not criminal violations. This video clip by REFORM summarizes how many individuals are incarcerated on technical violations for rule breaking and how technical violations can further disenfranchise persons from successfully leaving carceral settings and returning to their communities: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v|EQUALS|VvAxWnamtQ4

    4) OPINION PIECE! – Another opinion piece, this time about how costly and ineffective the tough-on-crime rhetoric is, and suggestions for what can be done instead. Ana Zamora of The Just Trust and David Safavian of the American Conservative Union Foundation’s Nolan Center for Justice, share their views here: https://thehill.com/opinion/criminal-justice/3542002-the-irony-of-todays-tough-on-crime-rhetoric/

    See something you think we should feature next time? Send us an email at engage@publicdefenders.us