• International Women's Day is celebrated every year as a global day to recognize the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. It serves as a call to action for accelerating gender equality around the world. 

    Throughout history, women have had to fight for their rights and recognition in society. International Women's Day promotes gender equality and celebrates the progress made over the years in achieving parity between women and men.  

    Women who work in public defense play an incredibly important role in our society, protecting and defending individuals who may otherwise have their voices silenced. These women are powerful, inspiring, and resilient. 

    The strength of a public defender lies in her ability to advocate fiercely on behalf of her clients. She must be well-versed in the legal field and possess a deep understanding of the law. She must be able to advocate for her clients and make sure their rights are respected throughout the process. Additionally, she must be an excellent negotiator in order to ensure her client receives proper representation and a fair hearing. 

    These women immerse themselves in difficult cases that can take an emotional toll. This is why it’s so important for them to have strong support systems both inside and outside of work — from family members, friends, colleagues, and mentors. 

    Today we honor all the Women in Public Defense and recognize your bravery. Know that the world appreciates all you do, both inside and outside the courtroom! You are not only public defenders; you are also inspiring role models who remind us all that it is possible to make a difference when you stand up for justice. We thank you! 


    Coincidentally, yesterday the Department of Justice Office for Access to Justice Director Rachel Rossi was joined by NAPD Executive Director Lori James-Townes to learn about the innovate work of Still She Rises Executive Director Aisha McWeay and her staff to redefine Access To Justice.

    What great timing to have these three change makers together! Happy #InternationalWomensDay!! (Original tweet)