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NAPD Statement – November 27, 2016

This month’s elections produced for our federal government a change in course of grave importance for all whose lives are impacted by our criminal justice system, our immigration policies and the legal framework that guarantees our civil rights. As the […]

An Interview with Andre’ De Gruy

NAPD:  Tell us about your career as a public defender? ANDRE: In law school I got an internship with the Mississippi Capital Defense Resource Center. When it ended they hired me to stay around for the summer. I kept hanging […]

An Interview with Paul DeWolfe

NAPD:  Tell us about your career as a public defender? I was hired as a young public defender in 1981. Thirty five years later, I have represented clients  in virtually every type of case the office handles, misdemeanors, felony, juvenile, […]

NAPD Statement on the Importance of Judicial Independence

The National Association of Public Defense (NAPD), an association of over 14,000 public defense professionals, issues the following statement in response to recent events that represent an assault on the fundamental principle that an independent judiciary is critical to a […]

An NAPD Interview with VIDC Executive Director David Johnson

NAPD: Tell us about your career as a public defender? David Johnson: I graduated from Law School in 1983 and spent 3 years in private practice primarily doing court-appointed criminal defense work. In 1986, The Richmond PD office and I was hired […]

NAPD Releases 2015 Annual Report

Today, NAPD releases its 2015 Annual Report, “All Day, Every Day, Public Defense,” featuring the day-in, day-out advocacy that public defenders provide in jails, courts and communities across the country. NAPD is an association of 12,500 practitioner-members focused on public […]

An NAPD Interview with Cook County Public Defender Amy Campanelli

This article is an NAPD interview with NAPD member Amy Campanelli, the leader of the Cook County Public Defender's Office in Chicago, IL. It supplements her interview with Geoffrey Burkhart, Attorney/Project Director with the American Bar Association. That interview was […]

Time Tracking at the Knox County Public Defender’s Community Law Office

Mark Stephens has been the Chief Public Defender at the Knox County Public Defender's Community Law Office (CLO) since 1990. He has litigated excessive workload cases in his office twice, once in 1991 and again in 2008. He has a passion for controlling […]

Cincinnati’s Fresh Start Clinic

The Concept: Each first and third Wednesday of the month brings an average of 25-40 people (and 100|PLUS| applications) to the Hamilton County Public Defender’s Office Fresh Start Clinic in Cincinnati, OH. In January 2013, after 20|PLUS| years in private practice, […]