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Is There a Better Way to Provide Public Defense w James McDermott and Paul Chambers

Today, Hunter spoke with James McDermott and Paul Chambers, two Public Defenders from the Far West Texas Office, to discuss their vision for a better model for Public Defense Delivery. According to the ABA and basically every Public Defender organization, […]

How A Coalition of Prosecutors, City Attorneys, and Public Defenders Produces Better Working Conditions w Alexandra Pray

Today, Hunter sat down with Alexandra Pray, Deputy Public Defender in San Francisco and Board Member of the Public Defender Union, to discuss the unique arrangement the City Attorneys, Prosecutors, and Public Defenders have in SF. When we’ve discussed Public […]

A Broken Legal System, A Lack of Health Care, and How the US Keeps Puerto Rico Under its Thumb w Diego Alcala

Today, Hunter spoke with Diego Alcala, a criminal defense attorney in Puerto Rico, to better understand the challenges the island faces in the criminal legal system. From years of experience as a criminal defense attorney in Puerto Rico and other […]

How Mitigation Confronts the Biases of Jurors, Judges, Prosecutors, and Public Defenders w Victoria Rusk

“Well I grew up poor and I didn’t go off committing crimes!” Arguably, this is the most common response those that work in the field of mitigation hear when they are trying to explain what mitigation is. To tackle this […]

A New Path for Public Safety in San Francisco w Mano Raju

If you spend anytime watching news in the past 3 years, you have likely heard about San Francisco. Normally, that conversation revolves around the state of public safety in the city, and often, it is presented from the perspective of […]

110: The Paper Prisons that Keep Millions of Americans From a Second Chance w Colleen Chien and Alyssa Aguilar

For more than one-third of a Americans, there is a record of their interaction with the criminal legal system. These records and the bureaucracy that controls them help make up a powerful paper prison that stops millions from ever accessing […]

What are a Lawyer’s Ethical Obligations to Society? w David Siegel

Today, Hunter spoke with David Siegel, Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Law and Social Responsibility at New England Law, to discuss the ethical and social obligations of attorneys. Specifically, Hunter and David unpack the ways in […]

One Investigators Efforts to Revitalize Public Defense in Barron County, Wisconsin w Felicia Tempel

Today, Hunter spoke with Felicia Tempel, Senior Investigator in the Barron County, Wisconsin Public Defender Office. As with all of the episodes covering a smaller Public Defender Offices, today’s show is all about understanding the challenges that similarly cash and […]

Non-Capital Mitigation and the Quest to Inject Empathy into the Law w Lindsay Bendell

Today, Hunter sat down with Lindsay Bendell, LCSW Forensic Social Worker & Mitigation Specialist, to discuss the importance of non-capital mitigation. The concept of mitigation is a commonly known part of capital cases. In practice, mitigation are often some of […]

How Unionization Enables Public Defenders to Get Victories in and Out of Court w Garret Miller and Brooke Longuevan

Last week, Hunter spoke with LA County Chief Public Defender Ricardo Garcia to discuss the state of Public Defense in LA. Today, Hunter sat down with two Public Defenders, Garret Miller and Brooke Languevan, to get the LA Public Defenders Union […]