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Police Review: Investigation of Internal Affairs records and Other Files

This article deals with a fairly new concept in investigations conducted by the Law Offices of the Public Defender for the 17th Judicial Circuit. Until a few short years ago, most Public Defender agencies had never dealt with Police Review. I believe that […]

Reflections on Ferguson

I was 15 in the summer of 1962. I was spending the summer playing softball, rooting for the Cardinals, and thinking of my first year in high school at nearby McCluer High.  Paul and I had been downtown to the fair, […]

California Appeals Court Streamlines Access to Police Misconduct Histories

In a win for defense attorneys and advocates of government transparency, the state appellate court this week strengthened defendants’ access to police misconduct records affecting their right to a fair trial, San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi announced today. The […]

8 Good Reasons to Watch Trials

I spend at least a few hours a week watching trials.  I’ve noticed that I find very few lawyers watching trials, and I thought I’d offer 8 reasons why watching trials can improve your trial practice, skills and ability. 1.   […]

If Not Us, then Who? Each of Us

In early June of this year, the nation briefly turned its attention to, and subsequently clutched its pearls in the direction of, a disturbing incident in Wisconsin in which two 12-year-old girls allegedly stabbed a friend 19 times in an […]

Fighting Together Through the Difficult Times

I am going to violate two fundamental rules.  First, by writing largely about a personal experience.  Second, because I am still emotional about that experience as I write.  I recently experienced a disheartening and emotionally draining loss following a jury trial; one in […]

Timing Is Everything

As Public Defender investigators, we rarely have the “first on the scene” or “strike while the iron is hot” advantage of getting the case while the trail is fresh, while witness emotions are raw or while the camera footage still […]

NAPD, Society, and Public Defense

There are substantial benefits to society when public defense systems are properly funded.  Public defenders who are competent, who have manageable workloads, and who have professional independence can ensure that the rights guaranteed by our Constitution are protected and can ensure […]


Last month a new training program for indigent defenders was launched in Western New York—titled the Western New York Advanced Trial Skills Program.  The brainchild of Monroe County Public Defender Tim Donaher, who, with the support of the Office of Indigent […]

When My Lawyers Didn’t Recognize Their Clients

“Mr. Napier, would you stand up?”  I used to hate it when one of my lawyers did that in the Madison District Court when I ran the Richmond Public Defender’s Office for the Kentucky Department of Public Advocacy.  Why?  It meant that one […]