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NAPD Applauds DOJ Filing in New York

The National Association for Public Defense (NAPD) applauds the United States Department of Justice’s filing of the Statement of Interest in the Hurrell-Harring case in New York, upholding in grand fashion the fundamental right to counsel. On Thursday morning, the […]

NAPD Strike Force Update – Bloomington, Illinois

In August, Bloomington, Illinois chief Public Defender Kim Campbell allegedly "resigned" from her position after having a brief conversation with the chief judge of the circuit that including Bloomington and Normal, Illinois.  Ms. Campbell obtained a pro bono lawyer, who […]

The Kids Are Alright: Getting Courts to Sentence Youth Fairly

At a sentencing hearing in Seattle this week for a 16 year old convicted as an adult, the judge imposed a 59 year sentence. In justifying this clearly excessive sentence that will result in this boy spending the rest of […]

Over 7000 Strong

NAPD was still in the thought stage a year ago.  Still to come was a meeting in Dayton, the formation of a Steering Committee, creation of other committees, the design of a website, the beginning of a Facebook page, and public […]

NAPD Signs on as Amicus Curiae

Note:  This article is from the NAPD Amicus Committee. NAPD has signed on as amicus curiae in support of a noncitizen appellant’s counseled post-conviction appeal seeking relief from her guilty plea, with relief sought on the grounds that trial counsel ineffectively failed to […]

Gideon is Rising

I want to share with everyone the optimism I have for the future of public defense and the Orleans Public Defenders Office (OPD). I am excited because all across the country we as public defenders are redefining ourselves, reasserting ourselves […]

Remembering a Man Named Peart

During a week in August, 65 defenders attended a 3-day Workload Leadership Institute co-sponsored by NAPD and the Kentucky Department of Public Advocacy. This Institute was dedicated to continuing the momentum of successful workload advocacy that is taking place on […]


Indigent defense reform advocates should recruit one of their strongest allies in the struggle to provide high-quality service:  the informed, proactive client. Indigent defendants who fully understand the right to counsel and their lawyers’ corresponding duties to communicate, investigate and advocate […]

Fight the Good Fight

In 2011, James McVay was arrested for killing a woman and stealing her car on his way to go kill President Obama on the golf course. He did this after ingesting cough syrup and alcohol to enhance his visions from […]

Forgiveness: As Beautiful as it is Rare

Tuesday afternoon I saw something as beautiful as it was rare.  I sat at counsel table while my colleague represented her client as he pleaded guilty to two counts of murder.  By the time the plea was over I had […]