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Ahmed Mohamed’s Clock

Few if any children should be led out of school in handcuffs.   You were probably around when the story of Ahmed Mohamed started. In case you avoid news and social media or have somehow already forgotten, Ahmed Mohamed is […]

Amy Campanelli Interview for CBA Record

This interview with Amy Campanelli was conducted by Geoffrey Burkhart, Attorney/Project Director with the American Bar Association. It was published as a "Person of Interest" feature in the July/August 2015 issue of the CBA record. You can read the interview […]

Holy Guacamole, That Was Persuasive!

Curled up in a candy-apple red, leather, upholstered club chair inherited from my grandmother, I read something the other night that moved me. It moved me to read an academic article with tiny print and findings such as “F (1, […]

A Cry for Relief

In 2013, Chief of the Louisville Public Defender’s Office, Dan Goyette, and I conducted an assessment of the Orleans Public Defender’s Office.  When we did so, we worked in the backdrop of several post-Katrina assessments, including the 2006 BJA Assessment.  […]

Cognitive Dissonance

Wikipedia defines cognitive dissonance as “In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, […]

UDC-NLG Hosts Panel Discussion and Twitter Town Hall Meeting

On October 8, 2015,  The UDC Law chapter of the National Lawyer’s Guild, along with other co-sponsoring student organizations, will host a panel discussion and Twitter Town Hall meeting to promote the hashtag: #BlackJuriesMatter.  The purpose of the jury is to […]

There are Very Few Degrees of Separation Between Our Lives and Our Clients’ Lives

This article originally appeared on the CLO's blog, Writing for Justice. Claire Sullivan is featured in the image to the left, and is a co-author for the article. Folasade: Every morning, Claire and I catch the 11 bus to work. One particular […]

New Study on Kings County Shows Benefit of Caseload Caps for Representation Quality

Take home message: When caseloads were reduced through the injection of significant additional funds in Brooklyn, measurable improvements to the quality of representation occurred. Full report: Labriola, M., Farley, E. J. and Rempel, M. (2015). Indigent Defense Reforms in Brooklyn, New York: An […]

Practical Participatory Defense

Note: This article also features author Gail Noble, a De-Bug, ACJP Organizer deeply involved with the Community Law Office's FACE program.  FACE Overview by Joi Forney, LGSW, Community Law Office Families Advocating Choices and Empowerment (FACE) is Birmingham's organized defense to […]

The Missing Chapter in the Criminal Justice Reform Story

Nearly 80 percent of the 12 million people who move through the criminal justice system each year cannot afford a lawyer. That’s roughly 9.6 million Americans relying on government-funded resources to give them a second chance at life, liberty and […]