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Patti Lee Wins National Youth Law Award

I have known Patti Lee for over thirty years as a friend, co- worker, and "boss”. (It drives her crazy when I call her that because she is so innately egalitarian.) I have worked with her on many difficult and […]

Introducing the Fair Punishment Project

The Fair Punishment Project uses legal research and educational initiatives to ensure that the U.S. justice system is fair and accountable. As a joint initiative of Harvard Law School’s Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race & Justice and its Criminal Justice Institute, we […]

After the Trial Loss

Josh, exhausted and depressed, walked into the heat and humidity of a warm, summer evening, following a week–long trial.  His shirt horribly wrinkled; tie partially undone; top button open, he left his quiet office a few hours after a jury […]

Why Do We Stick With Ideas That Don’t Work?

There is a growing body of research telling us that we have been doing juvenile probation wrong all along. At the recent annual leadership summit for the National Juvenile Defender Center, I attended a plenary session titled, “Probation is Not […]

Our Ph.Ds. in media criminology mislead:

Contrary to public opinion, crime is historically low; meanwhile prisons keep filling up. Facts v. feelings What people think is clear. “Seven in 10 Americans say there is more crime in the U.S. now than there was a year ago […]

Ask Allison – Sore Loser

Dear Allison, I need tips to stop being such a sore loser. Love, Sour Samantha Dear and Gentle Samantha, I want to be honest with you, Samantha, because you are me. I needed to hear the answer to this question, […]

When Did Defending the Constitution Constitute a Campaign Weapon?

“You’re often the second-most hated person in the county.”  That’s what former Kentucky public defender George Sornberger used to say about representing clients charged with serious felony offenses, including capital offenses, in southern Kentucky.  And it’s true.  Public defenders know […]

Stand With Them: NAPD’s New Podcast

I am not a podcaster. I am not a tech guru, an IT person, or the person you should call when you’re having computer problems (“Did you try unplugging it and plugging it back in?”)   So,  you can imagine […]

Education and Impact Litigation: Advocating for Timely Re-enrollment

In 2004, The Legal Aid Society of New York, Advocates for Children of New York and Dewey Ballantine LLP brought a federal class action lawsuit on behalf of New York City students ages 7-21 who were detained or placed in […]

Amicus Win: Doe v. Snyder

The Sixth Circuit recently issued a landmark decision striking down retroactive application of Michigan’s sex offender registration law.  See Does #1-6 v. Snyder, ___ F.3d ___, 2016 WL 4473231 (6th Cir. Aug 25, 2016).  Six anonymous plaintiffs, five male and […]