• kathy.moccio

    Assistant Public Defender, Hennepin County Public Defenders Office (Minneapolis, MN)

    Kathleen A. Moccio (Kathy) is an attorney with the Hennepin County Public Defenders where she works with non-citizen clients to address the immigration issues inherent to their case. She regularly teaches immigration law as an adjunct professor at the University of St. Thomas School of Law. Ms. Moccio frequently speaks and writes about immigration law. She is co-author of several articles related to the intersection of immigration law and childhood, including The ABCs of Representing Unaccompanied Children, Immigration Practice Pointers, American Immigration Lawyers Association, 2011 – 2012, The ABCs of Working with Immigrant Children to Obtain Special Immigrant Juvenile Status for Those Abused, Neglected, or Abandoned, Immigration & Nationality Law Handbook, American Immigration Lawyers 2006-07, Severing A Lifeline: The Neglect of Citizen Children in America’s Immigration Enforcement Policy, a 2009 Dorsey and Whitney, LLP report to the Urban Institute. She also served as a consultant to the Urban Institute in its publication of Facing Our Future – Children in the Aftermath of Immigration Enforcement. She has been active with the Advocates for Human Rights, the American Immigration Lawyers Association, and the American Immigration Council. She is eternally grateful for the dedication of her co-public defenders and colleagues within the immigration bar who daily fight for their clients.