
Federal Defender, Middle District of Tennessee (Nashville, TN)

Born in Nashville, Tennessee. B.A. (political science), Vanderbilt University, 1971; J.D., Vanderbilt University, 1974. Private practice with emphasis on criminal law and civil liberties 1975-1985, Nashville. Federal Public Defender for the Middle District of Tennessee, July, 1985- present. Acting Federal Public Defender for the Western District of Tennessee, February 1995 – July 1996 and for the Western District of Michigan, May 1997 – September 1998. Member, Advisory Committee on Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, U.S. Judicial Conference, 1994-99; Founding President, Association of Federal Defenders,1995-98. Member: American Bar Association since 1971 (Chair, Defense Services Committee, Criminal Justice Section, 1990-93; member, Council of Criminal Justice Section, 1993-96; member Steering Committee, ABA Post Conviction Death Penalty Representation Project, 1994-98); Tennessee Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers since 1975(Board member, 1978-1994, President 1984-5); National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers since 1975(Co-chair, Death Penalty Committee, 1991-2); Chair, Board of Directors, Capital Case Resource Center of Tennessee, 1988-95; Chair, Death Penalty Working Group of the Defender Services Advisory Group 1987 – 2007 and 2010 – 2014. Recipient of National Association of Federal Defenders’ Terence F. MacCarthy Award, 2015. Faculty member of Assistant Federal Defender Orientation program and regular presenter at national, regional and local CJA training events. Blessed with loving family, talented co-workers, good friends and stimulating clients.

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