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    $800.00 – $900.00

    April 9-12, 2024

    Traverse City, Michigan   Delamar Hotel  

    March 6 deadline on Room block rate $134 (plus taxes and fees).   Click here to reserve rooms. or call 231-947-3700 and reference group code NAPD0424

    Pricing before Feb 20, 2024   $700 NAPD Members, $800 Non Members

    Pricing Feb 21 and beyond  $800 NAPD Members, $900 Non Members

    Need help with this registration process?  Watch this video.  

    Scholarship Application – Due March 1  

    Check out the current schedule – still developing

    Client centered public defense systems recognize that redefining our culture and building systems to support the sustainability and wellbeing of their teams is critical. This leads to higher quality representation, increased retention, and greater recruiting success.

    This conference will model an approach to public defense gatherings creating space for the participants to renew their commitment to the work, network and share ideas, and begin drafting plans to bring sustainable, practical solutions back to their organizations.

    This conference will focus on the following areas:

    • Cultivating a culture around wellbeing
    • Handling challenges related to culture change
    • Responding to microaggressions and implicit bias
    • Healing from racial trauma
    • Developing structured crisis debriefings
    • Addressing physical and psychological safety in the workplace
    • Managing toxic workplaces
    • Creating and maintaining boundaries
    • Shifting the mindset and adding structure and purpose to self-care
    • Implementing NAPD’s “10 Principles for Creating Sustainability in Public Defense

    After the conference, we will continue to work together to share progress on our plans and provide support for each other.

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