• This listing has expired.
    • Be a graduate of an accredited law school and have admission and good standing in a state bar. • Have extensive experience—preferably five or more years—in federal criminal defense as well as thorough familiarity with federal criminal law and sentencing policy. • Possess a careful attention to detail and excellent research, analytical, writing, and communication skills. • Have a demonstrated commitment to racial justice within the criminal legal system and to zealous advocacy on behalf of indigent individuals facing federal charges. • Have a reputation for personal integrity. • Be able to thoughtfully balance different, sometimes competing, interests and viewpoints. • Be able to work collaboratively with colleagues and outside organizations (often remotely, across the country and time zones) and to accept and provide extensive constructive feedback and edits. • Be able to work independently from a remote work site.
    Job Contact
    Human Resources
    602-382-2805 azx_hr@fd.org