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    $550.00 – $700.00

    Mitigation created by a team of professionals in non-capital cases is increasingly becoming the standard of practice. This bring-your-own-case institute is designed for defense teams to work on the mitigation for a non-capital client.  The institute is a mix of presentations followed up by small group work facilitated by experienced faculty.   Participants are encouraged to come with their defense team (attorneys, investigators, paralegals, social workers, mitigation specialists and other sentencing advocates).  However, if all of your team members are unable to attend, sole participants are also welcome.

    Small groups will be assigned to promote discussion among teams handling similar types of cases (i.e., offense charged, juvenile or mental illness).  In addition, some teams will work on cases where clients have a realistic chance of diversion while others may work toward reducing the term of incarceration for clients.

    Pricing before July 15, 2024   $450 NAPD Members, $600 Non Members

    Pricing July 16 and beyond  $550 NAPD Members, $700 Non Members

    August 16th registration deadline

    We know you may need to convince someone else to approve you joining us.   Check out our Convince Your Boss Resources for a sample letter and other information.

    Apply for registration fee scholarship here   Scholarship deadline August 1.

    We have a hotel room block with the Silver Cloud Hotel Broadway for $229 per night plus taxes and fees. Book your stay here  or call 206 325 1400 and ask for “NAPD 2024 Team Mitigation” group rate.  Deadline Aug 15 or when rooms in the block run out.  

    See the current draft of the schedule

    Please review NAPD Event Policies regarding attendance and cancellations

    Need help with this registration process?  Watch this video.  

    NAPD Event Policies