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Free – $50.00

Black excellence extends well beyond February but this month we are proud to set aside time to celebrate it as a community.  This Black History Month, DEIJ Meetup speaker, Rachel Lindley, will review the background of Black History Month and highlight the continued work that needs to be done as we speak up and out against racism (in the criminal legal system and beyond).  This session will further analyze how we can embrace Black History as American history and answer the question – How can we create, foster, and cultivate equitable and inclusive spaces in order to to honor Black public defense professionals?”

Join us as we do the work and have the hard conversations in a brave and inclusive space dedicated to honoring the experience of Black people during Black History Month. 

Rachel Lindley is the Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for the Maryland Office of the Public Defender. Prior to joining OPD, they worked in administration for both the judicial and correctional systems in the state of Michigan and Illinois for over 15 years. Rachel has extensive experience in the direct planning, implementation and improvement of policies, procedures and programs that promote access to justice for all members of the public. In her various roles, they worked to implement training and advance awareness of diversity, equity and inclusion and build intentional spaces and a working environment where talented people from a variety of backgrounds could thrive. Rachel is a certified diversity professional through the National Diversity Council and the Maryland Equity and Inclusion Leadership Program, and serves as a Faculty Consultant for All Rise (Formerly National Association of Drug Court Professionals). They are exceptionally passionate about training on Implicit Bias, Urban Trauma, Intersectionality, Inclusive Leadership, Trauma Recovery and Empowerment Model (TREM), Restorative Justice in the Workplace and SUD & MH Treatment (specifically for marginalized populations).

Our DEIJ Coordinator, Brittany Gail Thomas (BGT), Esq.,  will moderate.