• This listing has expired.
    • Be eligible to practice law in Massachusetts, as a member of the Massachusetts bar in good standing, or as the member of the bar of another jurisdiction eligible to engage in limited Massachusetts practice under Supreme Judicial Court Rule 3:04;
    • Have at least seven (7) years’ experience as a criminal defense attorney;
    • Be on the CPCS “Murder List” or have a pending application at the time of application to the STC position; and,
    • Access to an automobile in order to travel to courts, clients, and investigation locations that are not easily accessible by public transportation.
    QUALIFICATIONS/SKILLS An application will be strengthened by:
    • Significant Superior court or equivalent jury trial experience or equivalent appellate experience
    • Extensive experience involving expert matters, including mental health, forensic science, and electronic evidence; and,
    • Experience mentoring and training attorneys.